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We offer a complete range of periodontal services including non-surgical and surgical treatment for gum disease, gum grafting, periodontal cleanings, and the placement of dental implants.


We also work closely with your dentist offering advice on how to safely and predictably restore the mouths of patients who have missing or broken teeth.


If you do not have a dentist, we are available and pleased to recommend one of the many excellent and trusted dentists that we currently work with.



  • Scaling and Root Planing

Scaling and root planing (deep cleaning) is the primary and fundamental treatment option for treating Periodontal Disease (gum disease). It consists of cleaning the roots of the teeth below the gum line with a local anesthetic (numbing with lidocaine) and is usually done in sections over two treatment sessions. This is a non-surgical treatment option which is very effective at reducing the inflammation that destroys the bone around the teeth from advanced gum disease. Patients may return to work and normal activities immediately after treatment.



  • Periodontal Maintenance

Periodontal maintenance​ is the term referring to the regular cleaning and monitoring of your periodontal (gum) health following scaling and root planing and/or periodontal surgery. These cleanings are usually performed every 3 to 4 months to keep the levels of gum inflammation reduced thus preventing further damage to the bone supporting the teeth.



  • Periodontal Surgery

Periodontal surgery is performed for advanced gum disease in order to correct or repair the damaged bone around the affected teeth​. It is also necessary for areas where gum inflammation persists due to calcified bacterial plaque formations on the tooth roots that cannot effectively be removed with non-surgical scaling and root planing. This is done in the office with a local anesthetic (numbing) and can be combined with relaxation medication for patient comfort. Post operative dicomfort is usually mild and can be managed with over-the-counter medications such as ibuprofen, and patients are usually able to return to work the next day. With periodontal surgery it is often possible to regenerate some of the lost bone and gum tissue around the teeth providing a more favorable long-term prognosis.



  • Gum Grafting

Gingival (gum) grafting is a common proceedure to correct areas of gum recession when the gum has receded to the point so that no attached gum tissue is remaining to protect the tooth. It can also be done to cover the exposed root surfaces for improved cosmetics for the anterior teeth. These procedures are performed with a local anesthetic (numbing) and oral relaxation medication for patient comfort. The new gum tissue can be obtained from the palate (roof of the mouth) and transplanted to the affected site. Occasionally processed collagen from an animal or human source can be used without the need to remove gum tissue from the palate.



  • Dental Implants

Dental Implants have become the preferred way to replace missing teeth when possible. Modern improvements have made them very reliable and predictable. A dental implant is simply a small titanium screw that is placed in the bone in the space where the tooth is missing. It is performed with just a local anesthetic (numbing) and patients can routinely return to work or normal activities the next day. For patients wearing dentures or partial dentures, one or multiple implants can be placed and the denture modified to snap onto the implants for a stronger and more stable fit. Today, we are using the latest 3D imaging technology for planning the ideal placement location of the implant using computer software to fabricate highly accurate surgical guides. These 3D printed surgical guides make the surgical implant placement faster, safer, and less invasive.


Robert A. Burns, Jr. DDS

1989 N. Williamsburg Drive

Suite G

Decatur, Georgia 30033


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